
IIT Bombay continuously strives to have a tryst with excellence along the facets of teaching & learning, research and breakthrough innovations. In its continuous effort to develop and translate cutting-edge technology, IIT Bombay seeks to strengthen its partnership and has opened its gates for industries. The ASPIRE Research Park is designed to provide an excellent environment to nurture and sustain exciting collaborations for technology development and translation. The research park offers a very conducive ambience for start-ups, MSMEs, and industry giants to collaborate with IIT Bombay through the following modes of engagement.

Endowment for a Cause

Distinguished academic position in the Institute

Around 20 chairs have been established at IITB by industries and alumni

The fund supports infrastructure development in the IITB campus and thereby aids in teaching, research, and the advancement of technology.

Fellowships & Scholarships

The industry may sponsor a student in a field of their interest. The sponsorship includes a stipend and a contingency grant. Publications arising out of work done by the student will acknowledge the support from Industry.

Following are the kinds of sponsorships that can be done by an industry.

(i) Sponsored Ph.D. Student
(ii) Sponsored M.Tech Student
(iii) UG Scholarship
(iv) Ph.D. fellowship (4-year TA)
(v) M.Tech fellowship (2-year TA)

Grant toward Entrepreneurship

SINE in its effort to promote entrepreneurship, provides various activities to support venture creation at various stages.
Desai Sethi School of Entrepreneurship trains aspiring entrepreneurs through courses and pre-incubation programs.

Faculty Visiting Fellowship

For more immersive and collaborative working, the industry member company could facilitate extended stints of IITB faculty at the industry workplace, and vice versa.
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