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Student Jobs & Internships
- Full-Time
- Short Term Internships

Internship Duration:
Summer internship (from May to July) – 2 months
Winter internship (December) – 1 month
- Industries can brainstorm research topic ideas with the talent pool of IITB – students and faculty
- This will open floodgates for innovative solutions which shall help resolve critical problems, and would potentially contribute to the accelerated and differentiating growth of the industry.
Curricular Projects

SLP-IDP is the only course in the curriculum that provides professional experience coupled with guidance by institute mentors at under-graduate level. It provided an internship-like experience, but in a more organized manner as the company was bound by the agreement to provide all necessary information under a confidentiality agreement. Also, SLP-IDP being a group project, unlike other SLP projects, would create an environment similar to actual working one.

BTP stands for B.Tech projects offered in two parts as BTP-I and BTP-II. These may be pursued as additional learning courses or used in the fulfillment of the Honors degree.

MTP’s are M.Tech Projects offered by various departments of IIT bombay for students pursuing master’s degree at IIT bombay.

Dual Degree Project is a mandatory requirement in the Dual Degree Programmes. These are essentially research and development projects, where a student trains him/herself, under the guidance of supervisor/ s, in in-depth analysis of an engineering problem and attempts synthesis of a solution. Literature survey, problem analysis and problem definition, extensive experimental/modeling work, and analysis of results typically form various components of the project work.

SLP-IDP is the only course in the curriculum that provides professional experience coupled with guidance by institute mentors at under-graduate level. It provided an internship-like experience, but in a more organized manner as the company was bound by the agreement to provide all necessary information under a confidentiality agreement. Also, SLP-IDP being a group project, unlike other SLP projects, would create an environment similar to actual working one.

BTP stands for B.Tech projects offered in two parts as BTP-I and BTP-II. These may be pursued as additional learning courses or used in the fulfillment of the Honors degree.

MTP’s are M.Tech Projects offered by various departments of IIT bombay for students pursuing master’s degree at IIT bombay.
Extracurricular Events

Event Sponsorship-Institute/Department/Students/Tech Challenge/Hackathon/Ideation.

Speech/Talk/Lecture @ IIT Bombay.

Workshop Organisation.

Mood Indigo
